Love the people of Asia with us and use the PayPal donate button above to make a tax-deductible gift and join us in supporting this important work. The Board of Reaching Asia has set a stretching faith-filled goal of $80,000 for 2024 to continue the life changing work they are doing and expand it even more.
Over the past year Reaching Asia has seen God at work in some wonderful ways as they have launched new ministries and provided ongoing support to strategic projects including:
Launching a university freshman scholarship and mentoring program for unbelieving students which has already resulted in several decisions for Christ.
Strengthening Reaching Asia’s online English teaching platform providing sustained connections with young adults who are learning English and hearing the Gospel as well.
Distributing Scripture and Gospel tracts to thousands through national Believer partners in Asia because we know God’s Word fulfills His purposes and always brings fruit.
Providing evangelism and discipleship training to Believers who are reaching, ministering to, and discipling others to multiple generations of groups and churches.
Meeting immediate life needs to those in crisis situations.
Broadly sowing the Gospel seed through digital engagement and social media advertising exposing thousands to the Gospel and connecting them with local Believers for follow-up.
Providing ongoing support to micro-business coffee cart start-ups for local Believers wanting to serve God and needing both income and a flexible work schedule for ministry.
Reaching Asia is committed to continuing in these vital ministries, strengthening, and growing them in the coming year while also launching new projects especially in the areas of Bible distribution and tools for discipleship. Will you please prayerfully consider joining with me to make a one-time or recurring gift to achieve this $80,000 goal and love the peoples of Asia for 2024? Use the button above or click here to donate and love the peoples of Viet Nam and throughout Asia together with us.