HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM (HOE-chee-men) – “‘I’ve met some other Christians, and we had a great time studying the Bible together. But they showed me many verses in the Bible I had not read before that say that to believe in the Trinity is wrong. I’m confused.’ When Danh* shared this with us, it just brought heartache. With such a small number of believers in our city, to see one confused, discouraged, or led astray by those teaching false doctrine is truly saddening. There are a number of heresies and cults actively at work in the city, spreading lies. Pray for the believers to stand strong in their faith and in the following of right teaching. Ask that they will be like the believers of Berea in Acts 17:11, daily examining the Scripture to verify that what they hear from others is true. Pray that God’s Spirit will work in the hearts of those already led astray by cults, and lead them to find the true message of hope in Jesus Christ alone.” (*pseudonym)
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