Van has been a believer for several years and has been growing strong in his walk with the Lord. He is active in sharing his faith with family and friends and co-workers. For several months now, he has been intentionally discipling other believers with the things he is learning, and they are holding one another accountable to obey and train others with what they are learning. God is blessing their faithful obedience, and they are beginning to see some new people accept Christ. Those whom Van is training are training others to the second and sometimes third generation. Praise God for how His hand is at work in Van’s life and the believers with whom he works! Please pray that God will continue to grow the faith of these believers. Pray that each believer will continue to share the gospel and train others with what they are learning. Pray that each training group will commit itself to be the body of Christ, a new church in their context, and not be constrained by the restrictions others might place on them. Pray that God will give wisdom to Van and the other believers to order their time well and focus on His priorities.
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