Chi loves to hang out with friends at coffee shops, watch cute dog videos, and scary movies. She is shy around new people, but once she opens up, she has a great sense of humor. However, Chi feels lonely, like she’s missing an important piece in life. When she is in her hometown, she goes to the pagoda with her family to light incense and pray to her ancestors. When she’s at school, she looks to herself for answers, but she has questions that she can’t find the answers to on her own.
Chi began learning about the love of Jesus about a year ago. Over the course of a year, she has heard the story the Gospel countless times. Each time, she listens intently before asking questions about how such a thing can be true. “Why is God so powerful?” “Why would people stop sinning if Jesus will forgive them?” “Why would Jesus love me? And why did He die?” Her heart is searching for truth and meaning that only Jesus can give her. Chi is still holding on so tightly to what she knows as her comfort zone, and she’s scared to step into faith with Jesus. Pray that God reveals Himself to Chi as the all-powerful, loving, merciful God that He is. Pray that her searching heart will continue to lead her closer and closer to a relationship with the only One who can save her. Pray for Chi to let go of control and surrender to a God who loves her so much. #pray4vietnam
“And leading them out he said, “Sirs, what must I do that I may be saved?” They answered, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you and your family will be saved.”” Acts 16:30-31

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