Plastic bags of water hang from the ceiling of this café in hopes of repelling insects. The idea is that the insect’s compound eyes are confused and flies away from the refracted light. When you have a problem that needs solving, perhaps you are more open to something new.
In Luke 5, Jesus’ disciples had been fishing all night with no catch of fish. Yet, Jesus tells them to “Put out into deep water and let down your nets for a catch.” (vs 4) And, when they followed Him, they caught a great number of fish.
Pray as Vietnamese are hearing and watching the Gospel through social media, to listen to the Holy Spirit, watch videos, ask questions, and download a Bible so that their lives will be transformed and follow Jesus.
“All the nations You have made will come and bow down before You, Lord, and will honor Your name. For You are great and perform wonders; You alone are God.” Psalms 86:9-10 #pray4vietnam

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