“I believe what I hear, and I even trust God. But, I cannot follow God because Buddha is too strong in my heart.” Nhu acknowledged, though she continues to study stories from the Bible. Would you pray for Nhu and others like her who cannot break away from family and culture to follow the One True God? Pray for God to reveal His power and strength in her heart. Ask the Holy Spirit to break down barriers and reveal Himself. Pray for her to understand how jealous God is and He is Lord Almighty, to be God alone. #pray4vietnam
prayer says
Praise God, even after Nhu messaged us about Buddha being so strong in her heart, she continues to meet with us and learn more about God. She says that she believes the Bible is true though she is afraid that if she did choose to trust God, she might relapse when she is with family or friends and not make Him her One God. Pray for God to continue to draw her to Him and that He give her faith to fully commit.