Day Three – Shopping malls have expanded quickly throughout the whole of Ho Chi Minh City. Designer stores from Europe, Japan, and the U.S. are making their goods known. Developers are understanding the times and seeing how they can bring Vietnam in-line with other countries in what they offer to customers. Yet, how can those eye-catching offerings make God known?ย

Ask God to give Vietnamese minds to understand the times like those in 1 Chronicles 12 and know what they should do to make His name known. Pray for Vietnamese believers with means to share and make the Good News available to all who are seeking.

Everyone loves to window shop and even buy when an item has a good price tag. As with others around the world, economics, how much disposable income, even a steady income all factor in with shoppers today. Pray for Vietnamese to understand the times and look beyond the economy and know that the most important thing in life is found in our Lord Almighty. The God over all the world can make lives better through His salvation than any choice shopping item. Pray for Vietnamese to accept Godโs free gift and share that with all their family.
“From the Issacharites, who understood the times and knew what Israel should do–200 chiefs, with all their relatives under their command.” 1 Chronicles 12:32
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