Day Seven – Today’s students know they stand on the edge of growth in Vietnam. Education is a high priority, yet their need to know the Lord Almighty should take precedence. Pray for those in education: administration, professors, teachers, and students to thirst for the knowledge found only in Jesus Christ. Ask God for eyes and ears to be open to His Truth. Pray for salvation.

Teeming with young adults, hundreds of vo-tech schools, colleges, and universities saturate Ho Chi Minh City. From the countryside and those living in the city, students come to get an education, grow, and determine their steps. Pray that as students start their independent learning, they will also be open-minded. Up to now, students have been dependent on family, tradition, and culture to serve as influences, and new opportunities to hear stories about Jesus and read the Bible are opened up to them as believers share the Good news. Ask the Holy Spirit to remove veils and give understanding to what students read and hear.
Acts 17:11 – “The people here were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, since they welcomed the message with eagerness and examined the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.”
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