On the third day of Tết, custom has Vietnamese making visits to temples in order to burn incense, offer prayers or obtain fortunes for the new year. The streets in and around the temples are filled with people who may only make this visit once or twice a year.
The convenience of a fortune vending machine allows a fortune to be had without wadding through crowds at the temple. Put a coin in the machine and a scroll of fortune is dropped out to guide throughout the year. Let this year be known for the name of God to be high and lifted up and for Jesus to be the Messiah for all.
Pray for God’s power to be made known as Vietnamese believers share the Gospel with family and friends. Pray for the Holy Spirit to bring conviction and lives trust in our Lord God Almighty.
“Because our Gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction.” 1 Thessalonians 1:5

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