Down a small alley, food or drink vendors set up each morning bringing in their fare and putting out chairs and stools. It’s a neighborhood gathering that is rich in the culture of Vietnam today.
Colossians 3:16 says, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.”
Want to experience spiritual growth? There must be a steady and constant intake of the Word of God. Even more–catch this—the more we put it into practice into our lives is the extent we will grow spiritually.
Not pouring ourselves into the Word of God is not an ability issue or an aptitude issue; it’s an obedience issue. We will never advance beyond our steady diet of God’s Word.
Pray for good discipleship and commitment among new Vietnamese believers. Pray for small groups that are being started all this week in discipleship. Ask the Holy Spirit to impress on new believers the cost of following God and His desire for them to grow spiritually.

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