I am not invisible.
Across the Saigon river in an undeveloped area of the city, Minh waits for his next customer. What seems like a lonely stretch of road to sell watermelons is actually a place of solitude to reflect on God.
One of God’s names is El Roi, which means the God who sees. El Roi sees us in the piercing brightness of the morning, and He sees us just as clearly in the dense darkness of night.
Broken relationships can drive us into the shadows but trusting God to always see us can speak to us in tender spaces. Pray for Vietnamese to be rescued from a life of darkness and shadows and into a bright future with El Roi.
“If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” even the darkness will not be dark to You; the night will shine like the day, for the darkness is as light to You.” Psalms 139:11
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