Fish to catch in a big tank at the market becomes rare these days, as lock down measures continue.
In Luke 5:4-7, Jesus was teaching the people crowded around him. He saw two boats with fishermen washing their nets, finishing up from a night’s fishing. Peter was on one of those boats and was listening to Jesus teach. Jesus looks up at him and says to ‘put out into deeper water and let your nets down for a catch.’
Peter, the seasoned fisherman, has to make a choice, because the carpenter, Jesus, is telling him how to catch fish, after a night’s worth of work which produced no fish.
“But because You say so, I will let down the nets.” Luke 5:5b
In those few seconds, Peter willingly says he will go back out, because Jesus has said so. Faith. Immediate obedience, fully committed to doing what Jesus says, and Peter does not thank Jesus afterwards for the enormous catch of fish, rather, Peter realizes his sinful nature. When we follow Jesus, we experience Jesus at work in our lives and the lives around us.
Pray for God to do the miraculous in the lives of Vietnamese. Ask the Father to call more fishers of Vietnamese people and be glorified.

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