The selection of pumpkins in Vietnam are usually short and squatty, so if your interest is in carving, disappointment is found. However, inside these a tasty pumpkin fruit awaits.
We all have expectations, and sometimes they are not met or what we think we want or need.
In the first chapter of Joshua, God appoints Joshua as leader following Moses and gives Him confidence that, He will give to the Israelites, “every place where you set your foot…”. He repeatedly tells Joshua to, “be strong and courageous…”. Joshua may have had expectations that he’d just walk into the land, but he had to work and fight for the land.
If God has given you a promise, you may have to work and fight for it, but know without doubt the truth and confidence you can have when God promises.
“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23 Pray for Vietnamese believers to be strong and courageous, and unswervingly hold on to His hope.

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