Day 3 – 3 of 10.
Met on the Road. With 8 brothers and sister, Thuy is the oldest in her family and is 25 years old. She moved to the city 8 years ago from the countryside, 12 hours away. Thuy has worked in several different factories, since coming to the city. Occasionally she will move back home for a brief time but keeps returning to the city for work.
Everyone in her village says that they are Christians, and Thuy feels that she is a Christian too because she grew up attending a church in her village. When she returns to her village, she attends church but rarely attends church when she is in the city working. Thuy believes a relationship with God is important, though has never studied the Bible or been discipled. She tries to live a good life; however, she cannot clearly share how she became a Christian. For her, just saying she has always been a Christian or that she is from a Christian family is her immediate response.
“This is how we are sure that we have come to know Him: by keeping His commands. The one who says, “I have come to know Him,” yet doesn’t keep His commands, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoever keeps His word, truly in him the love of God is perfected. This is how we know we are in Him: The one who says he remains in Him should walk just as He walked.” 1 John 2:3-6
Pray for Thuy and others like her who grew up with Christian influence, have never been discipled, and doesn’t have confidence in their salvation. Others may have a family tradition of Christianity but have never processed through a personal decision to repent and place their commitment in Jesus Christ as Lord.
Pray for factory workers who have been significantly impacted by the Covid restrictions resulting in a loss of work and income. In the best of times most of these factory workers live day to day and with no wages coming in they have no resources to fall back on.
Pray for the current food relief project which is being worked in several areas where factory workers live to be successful in providing much needed basic food supplies. Pray that the factory workers receiving this help will know it comes from God and be drawn to Him, giving God all thanks and praise.
Pray for new Bible studies and discipleship groups to be started among factory workers which will provide practical, discipleship for those who have never received such teaching and training before. Pray that these groups will build community together and transition to becoming new churches; ask God to multiply churches across many factories and impact the city and also the rural areas where these workers come from.
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