Gratefulness is the greatest cure for discouragement. It beats down the blues. It drowns out the voice of self-pity, and it can be a tool to overcome depression and anxiety.
“Then Jesus said, “Were not 10 healed? Where are the nine? Can none be found to come back and give glory to God except this outsider? Then He said to him, “Get up. On your way. Your faith has healed and saved you.” Luke 17:17-19
“…raising my voice in thanksgiving and telling about Your wonderful works.” Psalms 26:7
As we surrender our lives in greater measure to Jesus, we will find that our gratefulness will become more and more evident. When the now-healed leper returned to Jesus, he must have blessed the Lord’s heart as glory poured out to God.
Stop now and give with a grateful heart thanks to God for what He has done. Ask the Holy Spirit to prompt believers in Vietnam to go to God and give Him glory and thanks for all that He has done.

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