Finishing the Task 2.0 is a global coalition of Believers, churches, and organizations committed to seeing the world reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What is it going to take to finish the task of the Great Commission?
The vision of Finishing the Task is
ALL the Church, doing
ALL Christ commands, in
ALL the world, in
ALL possible ways.
In pursuit of this vision, Finish the Task has set four key markers, the 4 B’s:
Breakthrough Prayer
Prayer is the key to every FTT goal. We cannot complete Jesus’ Commission without fervent, intentional, and united prayer. Through prayer, we are led and empowered to do what Jesus commands us to do. During our time together, we will set aside time to pray together intentionally, seeking His will and anointing for the work ahead.
A Bible translation for all languages, including the deaf community. 1.5 billion people don’t have access to a full Bible and 1800 languages representing 145 million people don’t have a single word of Scripture translated. Our goal by 2033 is to complete a translation of the Bible that will make God’s Word accessible to every language group on earth.
A strategy to share the Good News with every person. There are those who will go their entire lives without ever having had the opportunity to hear the Good News of Jesus. Technological advances and increased collaboration make it possible for every individual across the globe to have access to a life changing presentation of the Good News.
Bodies of Christ
A healthy church for every 1,000 people worldwide. Church planting movements are working together in accelerated ways toward the shared goal of seeing a healthy church for every 1,000 people worldwide. To this end, we aim to see a church planting movement engagement in every people group and every place by Dec 31st, 2025.
To see a church for every 1,000 people in Viet Nam we need 98,000 churches. This is a God-sized goal and one that we are excited about. Will you join in this work, will you partner with us to see those churches planted?
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