A typical room for rent along a street with each door representing a cheap living space. There are certainly costly houses and apartments in various locations throughout Ho Chi Minh City, but for the majority of the population, the cost is minimal in Western comparison.
Jesus was never so eager to keep a crowd when He was teaching that He minimized the cost of faith, from John chapter 6. He could not have been clearer that following Him requires enormous sacrifice.
“Whoever does not carry their cross and follow Me cannot be My disciple.” Matthew 16:24
Jesus tells us we are to take up our cross and follow Him daily. Not every few years, months, or weeks, but He tells us to daily follow Him in sacrifice and obedience.
Is that a suggestion or should our lives show the cost daily?
Vietnamese struggle with the same in their lives as the world around them grows in economics and material gain. Pray for God’s truth to pierce hearts to be faithful.
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