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Pray with us today on 10/10 for the 10 million people of HCMC, where every 10 minutes a lost person dies and goes to hell.
Today’s 3 posts give you a small glimpse of 3 districts in HCMC. Go here to begin praying for All the People – All the City.
“In my distress I called upon the Lord; to my God I cried for help. From His temple He heard my voice, and my cry to Him reached His ears.” Psalm 18:6
Crowded with housing, businesses and restaurants, Phu Nhuan District borders the city center’s districts. Beyond the main streets that run through this district are a labyrinth of back alleys that house the mass population, concrete homes butted up against one another with windows only on the front possibly the back and tops of houses. Alley ways only 3-4 feet wide separate one side to another. This district is densely populated.
Temples and pagodas are easily found throughout this district. As many homes and businesses found in this district, also are the number of altars worshipping idols and ancestors. Phu Nhuan District needs prayers for God to be made known to the people searching and ignorant of the One True God.
Points of Prayer:
- District Phu Nhuan is another densely populated district within the urban districts. Traditional residential housing covers much of the area and there is a large amount of retail outlets as well as coffee shops and entertainment venues. Sadly, the great majority of people of this district are lost without hope in Jesus Christ. Pray that Phu Nhuan would become the center of a revival reaching all of the city.
- Pray for laborers to show the people of this district that they cannot rely on the “law” or “good works” promoted by many religious influences – pray they instead find understanding and acceptance of God’s grace – pray that they believe, and many new churches will be started.
- Pray for the people trapped by the spiritual strongholds represented by Thánh Đường Hồi Giáo Jamiyah Islamic, Tổ Đình Quán Thế Âm, Chùa Đại Giác, Chùa Giác Ngạn, and Thánh Thất Từ Vân.

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