The Ministry of Labor in Viet Nam set new increased Minimum Wage levels for private sector employees to go into effect January 2013. Minimum wages for government employees are at lower levels and these increases were specific to those working in the private sector. The Minimum Wage in Viet Nam is set based on the region of a person’s employment. For employees working the capital city of Hanoi or Viet Nam’s largest metro area (Ho Chi Minh City), the minimum wage is set to 2,350,000 VND per month or approximately USD $113.00. The minimum wage for the remaining three regions based on decreasing levels of development range from 2,100,000 VND to 1,650,000 VND (USD $101 to USD $79).
Le Thanh Ha, deputy head of the Viet Nam General Confederation of Labour’s Institute of Workers and Trade Unions said that the proposed minimum wage met only 46 per cent of employees’ cost of living in Zone One and 70 per cent in Zone four. (as quoted from AmCham Viet Nam’s website which has a more extensive article here). The government has a long range goal of increasing the minimum wage to be sufficient to meet “basic needs” over the next few years.
There is no doubt that the peoples of Viet Nam are hard working and very entrepreneurial. As the country continues to increase development they are ever pushing forward to make the most of any and all opportunities. The days ahead are going to require much perseverance but the future for Viet Nam still looks very bright.
It’s the other “wages” for the peoples of Viet Nam (and the peoples of the world) that I am more concerned about. The Bible tells us very clearly that the wages of sin are death (Romans 6:23) but that the gift of God is eternal life through saving faith in Jesus Christ. If you speak with most Vietnamese, they will acknowledge sin in the world, but very few will acknowledge the consequence or wage from sin in their own life. Please join us in praying for the peoples of Viet Nam that they will acknowledge their sin, confess and repent their sin to God and accept the gift of eternal life that He has for them.
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