A few days ago we asked the question of “Who is reaching the Vietnamese peoples in the U.S.”. It’s still a valid question with something in the range of 1.5 million Vietnamese people there and many have never even met a Christian. But we were greatly encouraged to see the article by the Exponential folks today about a new Vietnamese church plant in Orange County California. Here’s an excerpt:
As pastor of the Vietnamese service called KALEO at Garden Grove Friends Church in Garden Grove, Calif., Lee Nguyen is leading a prayer ministry in one of the area’s darkest places, the Asian Garden Mall, where thousands of people worldwide come to worship at the Buddhist temple inside the Mall. Nguyen is hoping to plant a church in the same mall. KALEO, he says, is committed to training leaders to know the gospel and make disciples in every context such as the church, cities, campuses and other countries. Below, Nguyen shares his story of how he and his church planting team are pushing back the darkness through prayer and are seeing God work in ways “beyond imagination!”
Please pray for Pastor Lee Nguyen and his family and the church as they reach out to others. Read the full article here.
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