“I pray because Mary answers my prayers,” says Binh as we speak
to her at one of the many Catholic churches in the city. “I pray for the people of Ho Chi Minh City. There are so many people here, and many people have trouble in their life.”
The Catholicism practiced in Vietnam is generally seen as “Folk Catholicism” including a mixture of Roman Catholicism, Vietnamese ancestor worship and other indigenous spiritual belief. Beginning with Portuguese and French missionaries in the 1600’s, about 7% of the population of Vietnam identify themselves as Catholic currently. Join us in praying for this people segment with these requests:
—Pray for the Catholic peoples of Ho Chi Minh City to open their hearts to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone.
—Pray that a revival of Bible reading would occur among Catholics in the city so that they will hear clearly from God His message of grace and assurance of salvation.
—Pray for those Catholics that are exposed to the Gospel and particularly those close to making a decision. Catholic neighborhoods in Ho Chi Minh City are very close knit and new Believers face much opposition from family when making a decision for Christ.
Each day from October 1 to October 10 we will be publishing one of the 10 Faces of Ho Chi Minh City with prompts to pray as we lead up to our 10/10 Day of Prayer for the city.

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