Day 1 – 1 of 10.
The City – Ho Chi Minh City is the largest city in Vietnam and home to 10 million people. The most defining characteristic of the city is the fact that more than 98% of this burgeoning city are lost with no relationship with Jesus Christ.
Every 10 minutes of every day in Ho Chi Minh City a lost person dies, goes to Hell, and enters into a Christ-less eternity. 10/10, the annual day of prayer for this city of 10 million people.
Met on the Road –
Minh is 26 years old and works as an accountant in a medium sized company. This is his third job since graduating university, and he thought things were looking up but then Covid came and he’s not sure what the future looks like.
Living with his parents and younger sister who is a student, Minh is the oldest child. He has responsibility to help his sister until she gets married and eventually to care for his parents as well. His mom and dad both want him to get married and start a family, even to buy a house that they can all live in as well.
“For we too were once foolish, disobedient, deceived, enslaved by various passions and pleasures. But when the kindness of God our Savior and His love for mankind appeared, He saved us—not by works of righteousness that we had done, but according to His mercy.” Titus 3:3-5
Pray for Minh and many other young professionals like him in the city who are focused on simply getting ahead through their jobs and material gain. Pray that they will see the emptiness of such pursuits and be confronted with the value of a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Pray for Minh and others like him who feel the pressures of many responsibilities particularly from family. Pray that they would meet Believers in the city who will share a testimony with them of how they follow Jesus while still honoring and respecting their family. Pray that young professionals and entrepreneurs would receive and engage with Gospel content online and through social media. Pray for groups of young professionals and entrepreneurs would be started for the purpose of exploring the core story of the Bible and through that they would place their faith in Jesus Christ.
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