Saigon continues to come back to life after weeks of ‘stillness’, as Christmas decorations find its way along the street for sale.
Silence, also has its place before the throne of God.
“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” Psalm 46:10
God summons us in this verse to come to Him and be still. Our silence brings us into a greater depth of knowing the Lord Almighty. Even more, when we participate in quiet adoration, leaning into His presence, a powerful dynamic in the spiritual realm occurs. He is exalted among the nations. He is exalted in the earth!
“Our being silent in God’s presence, as an act of worship is linked to impacting the nations.” [D.Eastman]
Pray for Vietnamese to be still before God’s throne in worship, that He might be exalted among the nations, especially this Christmas.

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