The morning rush is finished. Coffee for a little more than 50 cents and milk tea for less than $1 means there needs to be a good number of customers and cups sold to earn enough money. Thousands of drink sellers open early in the morning in hopes to make a living for themselves and their families.
Jesus tells a parable from Matthew 20 about the vineyard workers. Workers are hired from early morning through the end of the work day. When wages were paid, workers hired last and for a short time received a day’s wage. Those that were hired first in the morning also received the same wage and were upset. But the owner kept his deal with them to pay them for their agreed wage. The owner wanted to be generous to those hired late, not to slight those workers who had been there all day.
In God’s divinity, He chooses the blessings and mercy we receive in ways that we might not understand.
Our challenge is to focus not on what we perceive to be ‘fair’ but instead on developing a personal relationship with God that makes us thankful for every gift we receive.
Pray for Vietnamese to grow their relationship with God by reading His word and obeying as He directs. Ask for their hearts to be full of thankfulness for all His gifts.
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