Light and tasty, these bánh cuốn are made on a flat-top where rice batter is spread thin and filled with pork, vegetables and crispy toppings. An easy take-away item and help to individuals and families on busy mornings, Chi works to fill orders.
Women are amazing. God created women with a specific purpose and plan in mind, and throughout Scripture, we find story after story of God using women to accomplish great things.
“Then the Lord God said, it is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.” Genesis 2:18
The word ‘helper’ translated in Hebrew is the word ‘ezer’ used twice for Eve, three times to talk about military power, and sixteen times to describe God. ‘Ezer-helpers’ are not inferior assistants, but those who fill a need.
As Mother’s Day approaches give thanks to God for blessed and good mothers and ask Him to put good examples of mothers in others’ lives for His glory. The women of Vietnam desperately need your prayers too. Pray asking God to raise up Vietnamese women to find strength and faith in Him, to be the ‘ezer’ in the lives of their unbelieving families.

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