Dragons are always considered a symbol of power in Vietnam. This statue found in District 5 reminds Vietnamese to take notice of the power they can have in their lives.
That power is made of cement and nothing more. Real power and strength lie in the One True God and the power He has to offer salvation in Jesus to all.
“You must do more than lead back survivors from the tribes of Israel. I have placed you here as a light for other nations; you must take My saving power to everyone on earth.” Isaiah 49:6
That’s God’s plan for the world. He wants everyone to know Him.
“Just as You sent Me into the world, I am sending them into the world.” John 17:18 Pray for Vietnamese searching for salvation—from hopelessness, from health problems, from debt, or from hunger.
Ask the Living God to call them out and know His saving power. Ask God also for more Light to come into Saigon because He loves the people.
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