Traffic moves alongside markets and sometimes even through a market to stop, buy and go—comfortable routines in the city in daily urban life.
Does your faith inspire you to live beyond your comfort zone?
Tasks you can accomplish without help or great effort; places and people you feel totally secure with; responsibilities that make you look good; a time or place where everyone is happy with you—these are examples of comfort zones.
“Faith motivated Abraham to obey God’s call and leave the familiar to discover the territory he was destined to inherit from God. So, he left with only a promise and without even knowing ahead of time where he was going, Abraham stepped out in faith.” Hebrews 11:8
Instead of charting our course by faith, we’d rather use our human experience, wisdom, and effort to control our lives in order to protect us from failure, discomfort, or looking bad. No faith or very little faith.
It’s hard to live by faith, but so worth the journey, like Abraham took.
Pray for Believers ready to journey on faith. Pray for God to be pleased in their faithfulness.

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