“I have never seen a Bible!” the young man excitedly responded as we placed a New Testament in his hands. He immediately started reading the treasure he held. For most Vietnamese, turning their lives to follow Christ requires several interactions with believers and numerous introductions to the gospel. You can speed this process along with a gift that will purchase Vietnamese New Testaments, gospel tracts, and DVDs about Jesus. These evangelistic tools are a critical light on a Vietnamese person’s path to salvation. Through your gift to this strategic project, you will bring increasingly brighter light to break through the darkness in Ho Chi Minh City.
You can provide Vietnamese New Testaments for as little as $1.50 each, offering hope to those seeking answers. Evangelistic packets cost between $3 and $5 and include a gospel tract and a DVD about Jesus. A gift of only $15 will provide ten New Testaments. Ten evangelistic packets are available for $30 and $50. As God leads you to give through this strategic project, more and more light will pierce the darkness of Ho Chi Minh City.
Give through Reaching Asia
You may also choose to give through Reaching Asia, Inc. who gives focus to the peoples of Viet Nam being reached with the Good News of Jesus Christ through broadly sharing the Gospel, discipling Believers and starting churches. You can give through Reaching Asia at the link above. |